There are 35 products.
100% New & Original Seiko 1024HG-L 28PL printhead
Printing two colors simultaneously with one printhead HALVES THE NUMBER OF NEEDED PRINTHEADS and raises the productivity for CODING AND MARKING applications up to HIGH-SPEED PRINTING at the same time.
New & Original Seiko Spt1020/35pl Print Head
The Seiko SPT1020 printhead offers high-resolution and high-speed with 1020 nozzles and 35pl. It features a fast firing frequency and high precision combined with a long useable life. This original print head is used on a grand format digital printers.
New & Original Seiko Spt255/35pl Printhead
The Seiko SPT255 35 pl printhead offers high-resolution (720DPI) and high-speed. This original print head is used on grand format digital printers such as Infiniti FY 323B.
New & Original F179030 Epson Stylus Pro 11880...
This new generation Epson MicroPiezo TFP printhead is suitable for Epson Stylus Pro 11880 printers. It has a native resolution of 2.880 x 1.440 dpi, providing the highest resolution in the industry. The Epson Stylus Pro 11880 Printhead has a minimal drop volume of 3.5 pl.